Sunday 25 May 2014

Emergence of a New 'Big Brother'

Worlds's largest democracy saw a new political beginning with the opposition Bhartiya Janta Party(BJP) winning a clear majority when the results of the biggest democratic festival were announced. The landsliding victory of BJP and a supposed white wash for the ruling Indian National Congress, a party that has been ruling over India for most of the time since its independence in 1947, was spearheaded by the rigrous campaigning and hundreds of rallies being conducted by the Prime Ministerial candidate of the BJP led National Democratic Alliance (NDA), Mr. Narendra Damodardas Modi, four times chief minister of Gujarat consecutively. It has been for the first time that any non-congress single party has won a clear majority in general elections since 1984 when Late. Rajiv Gandhi of INC led his party to a clear majority following the sudden assasination of his mother Smt. Indira Gandhi, then considred to be the czar of INC. After 10 successful years of the completion of INC led Union Progressive Alliance (UPA) government which was led by world's one of the finest statesman but a tongue-tied personality, Dr. Manmohan Singh, the command of Indian Government has now fallen into the hands of Mr. Modi, who started the journey of his life as a tea vendor during his childhood. The greatest nation known for its cultural values now marks the beginning of a new Demo-Fascist era. Since the incumbent Prime Minister has got all the ingredients required to run a smooth and efficient government, he has also got the power to change the destiny of the country, a power that carries the greatest responsibility.
 Meanwhile India was exercising its democratic rights, the best friend nation of the country 'Russia', was leaving no stones unturned on exercising its muscle power. International political events of Europe had warmed up exponentially during the period of two months. Ukrain's territory of Crimea being annexed on the orders of Russian President Vladimir Putin and United States intervention in the european politics expectedly increased the temperature of the cold war between the two countries that commenced after world war 2 between the two allies, with the latter trying to impose its supermacy unsuccessfully. Annexation of Crimea was followed by the creation of People's Republic of Donetsk. The new nation lived for a short span after a merger of Donetsk, Kharkiv, Kherson, Dnipropetrovsk, Mykolaiv, Odessa, Zaporizhia into 'Federal States of New Russia', though the country does not carries any international recogonition yet, but it will serve to be a colony for Russia.
Both the nations known for their friendship now have governments which will effectively utilise their relationships and leaders with bold and brave decision making qualities to claim the powerful 'Big Brother' position currently occupied by the United States. With Mr. Modi clearly showing his intentions towards Pakistan and China during his election campaigns and moreover his invitation to Pakistan's Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif for his swearing in ceremony has also indicated the manner in which he will be exercising political relationships with the two countries. Mr. Modi though also will be receiving endless benefits from the legacy of his pro-US predicessor Dr. Singh, who was able to manage extraordinary relations with the Gandhian ideology President of USA, Mr. Barack Obama. In the due course if the PM designate of India is successfully able to encash the realtionships with USA and Russia and other superpowers like Japan, UK and Germany already having a warm hand of frienship with India, the nation might emerge as the world's new 'Big Brother'. Though the relations might be useful in resolving the Korean conflict, the events occured in past have certainly decided that world politics is going to be catalysed accompanied with the change of numerous diplomats and the Indian subcontinent may have to follow the supermacy of the Demo-Fascist India.

Tuesday 2 April 2013


One of the most commonly heard changes if required in India is often cited as change in the education system where more stress should be laid on the practical and applied knowledge rather than images of scanned books pasted in the brains which may get washed away at any instant. From the basic elementary education where children are made to learn or the better word would be cram the tables in mathematics since class 1 without actually knowing their meaning and importance.

If a child is born with a gifted intelligence which is diagnosed nearly at the age of 3-4 years then either he is termed to be a psycho or his intelligence is corroded away by over burdened but least fruitful bookish studies. On other side various countries like USA, UK, Korea, China, Japan have just produced an excellent class of engineers, doctors, scientists and other professionals because they never force a child to stick to the books and syllabus.Children in these countries are allowed to explore their thoughts with proper facilities being provided to them.

Apart from practical knowledge a new burden of getting admission into so called prestigious institutes have been also loaded on the heads of children. A mindset has been created that today instead of exploring a child is forcefully made to say that he wants to be an engineer from IIT, doctor from AIIMS or a graduate from SRCC, Presidency college or many other prestigious colleges of Delhi University or University of Calcutta. Even after getting into these colleges the burden is not over. The student has to maintain at least 85 percent attendance and 100 percent flattery of teachers to ensure good marks.

As discussed with one of my teachers what he suggests is that there should be no compulsory attendance. The theory part of the syllabus should carry just 30 percent marks while the remaining 30 percent marks should be based on the research done by student on that particular subject and the project report prepared on it. Professionals should be tested on the basis of their practical knowledge rather than the bookish knowledge. This is the only way by which an excellent quality of professionals can be produced rather than what Indian education system is currently producing which are just equal to living machines.

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Is it Reservation?!?!?!

Since 26th January, 1950 when the constitution of India came into existence by the extraordinary efforts of Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar, a controversy also came into existence simultaneously. Whether the people belonging to scheduled castes, backward classes and many other unprivileged sections of society should be given reservation in various fields. The immediate answer to this question then was YES!!!,for the betterment of the people belonging to these sections of the society. Moreover it was also one of the special objectives of Mahatma Gandhi to which he called 'Harijan Utthaan'.

Coming across the same query after six decades of the constitution it feels as it is no more for the unprivileged sections of the society. Now it seems to be the worst mistake committed by the makers of the constitution. The reason for the above statement is that these days, the actual beneficiaries of this reservation policy are the children of bureaucrats, top class civil services officers, richest businessmen and best technocrats. The policy which then provided benefit to the weaker most sections of the society is now providing the same benefits to the heirs of people who had been provided benefit earlier and now carry a standard of living as well as social standard equivalent to the standard of higher classes of the society. Now they belong to the lower castes only for the sake of name and added advantages.

The children of poor slum dwellers, garbage-men, sweepers are still not able to avail the benefits of the reservation policy just because of the people pf their on caste who are much richer than them, can afford quality education and best facilities and also carry the advantage of reservation policy using which they grab the best opportunities meant for the up-liftment  of the poor weaker sections of the society, nullifying the sole cause of reservation.

Apart from these poor children, many other sections of the society have also been neglected. They do not have family love, they can not avail quality education, they do not have any family background which could have helped in their betterment and that is why these children have to live life equal to hell and on the mercy of others. If the government is an effective one, not the one which just cares for its vote bank, then they should immediately change the reservation policy for SC/ST/BC/OBC stating if a generation of a family has successfully availed the reservation benefits then their further generations will be considered in the general category. A special reservation policy should be started for the orphans also. Else, the day is not far when the general category will be the reserved one. 

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Handicapped or Disabled

The words sound much familiar, and in a layman language they are quiet often classified as synonyms but technically speaking from my point of view the two words carry a significance which is poles apart from each other. Disabled as the word says in itself may be termed as inability of an individual due to any physical or mental problems or diseases.

Talking in terms of disability it may be natural or may be caused due to an accident. Disability up to some extent is unavoidable and is not hands of an individual. Them main difference that lies between disability and handicapped is the attitude or approach of the affected person. In disability the case that is generally reffered is one's desire to perform a task but continuous failures in achieving that task due to his physical or mental standards, though the person has given his cent percent physical and mental dedication during his performance.

On the other hand handicapped may just be defined as a state of mind of an individual and his negative approach to perform a task just by giving the excuse of his disability or sometimes without the excuse. Just to  clarify my above mentioned points i would like to illustrate the article with two real life examples that I saw and which may properly describe the both states.

In my history class during school days i witnessed an incident when ink in the white board marker of the teacher finished. The very next thing she spoke to us was to arrange a marker as she was feeling handicapped without the marker and will not be able to explain us further until she has it. It clearly showed her negative approach describing her handicapped behavior as she could have at-least tried to explain the topic verbally without use of marker until it was arranged rather than sitting and killing time.

Talking about disability, in the annual techno-cultural festival of my college held last year, on the closing night a performance was given by a mentally disabled child on sikh martial arts in front of a massive crowd of 20,000. His words post performance were " I have really forgotten today that I am a disabled one. As of I have been told, every child is special and so am I".